Okay...lets see here. Monday I managed to Make some new candle scents for my Etsy store...BUT i ended up burning 3 of them myself! (I promise Jenny Kate...Holiday scents will come soon...lol) Okay On Tuesday.....after I dropped Anna off at pre school....Allie fell asleep in the car, so I went through a drive through and got chili cheese fries. I ate them in the car (parked of course) and know one will ever knew...not even Allie!!! Shhhh! After the chili cheese fries, I headed to Hobby Lobby and spent $36.00. I went for pink glitter and spray adhesive and came out with...hmmmm...I don't even remember now!! Okay moving onto Wednesday....I ate candy corn and licorice for dinner....and I stayed up and finished the first book of the twilight series until like 2am......AND the same night I dreamt about Edward (vampire in the book) wow.....Wednesday was a naughty day!!! Lastly....the house is a mess right now....and guess what??? Me and the girls are off to the zoo instead of doing chores!! But that means that I will be cleaning until late tonight....there is no way I can sleep knowing the house is in this state (the OCD again). Oh and here is a PRE confession...I plan on eating junk food at the zoo today!!!
P.S. ATTENTION ALL COFFEE DRINKERS.....If you use coffee mate creamer (like i do on a regular basis) this tip is for YOU. Yesterday when I bought my lovely bottle of Hazelnut creamer, I noticed that they changed some things with the packaging. Let me just say that the red lid DOES NOT click shut as easy as it used to!! I was on my second cup of coffee this morning and I took the bottle out and shook it vigorously as always....and ya....the lid was not clicked! Lets just say that I had a monumental mess on my hands!! By the time I finished cleaning it up...I had to reheat my coffee!! So anyhow...learn from that one my fellow coffee drinkers...lol
Have the most brilliant weekend everyone! I will have lots of fun pictures next week. The weekend before Halloween we have a blast! Sat night we are taking the kids to trick or trunk and Sunday we are off to the pumpkin patch with my family...then to Red lobster's shrimp fest!! That meal will DEFINITELY be at the top of the list on my Friday confessions next week!!
LOVE them...especially the chili cheese fries...that's totally something I would do (don't tempt me :)!! I can't believe you burned candles that were supposed to be in your store for ME to buy :)...oh, yes I can, who am I kidding?! Lastly, that you dreamed about Edward...LOL...that cracks me up!
Thanks for the tip on the creamer. I haven't had to buy a new bottle yet, THANKS to Nutrisystem, but I'm sure I will eventually!
Can't wait to see the pics from the weekend. I should have a camera full of pics too, IF I don't forget my camera! Still haven't found a way to attach it to my body...hmmm.
LOVE YOU immensely!
You & Jennykate crack me up! Both of you have such great confessions. I have done the creamer top thing what a sticky mess.
Hope you have a great weekend!
HI :) Just blog stalking & came across your blog. I am addicted to the twilight series too! Awesome books, I plan to finish #3 this weekend & my friend is dropping off # 4 tonite :) The movie comes out in November, I can't wait :) Also on the authors website, my friend said there is part of the twilight book from Edwards perspective. You might want to check it out :) Love your blog, very entertaining :)
That is funny, have a good weekend.
Hmm, Ive never heard of a preconfessiopn, Im usually in denial right up till I commit the act... And thanks for the tip about the creamer, I do buy that kind!! Leah
Hey Melissa..I posted my award! My friend and I are obsessed with The Twilight series...we went to the book opening at midnight for breaking dawn. Have fun reading them...you can't have a life..they suck you in. Can't wait to see if the movie is as good as the book..I have my doubts. have you gone over to the site that lets you know what character you are from the books? Thanks for the tip on the creamer. cherry
Wow. I love your blog. I have to tell you that we have the same background! I love it so much. Thanks for giving everyone a ehads up on the coffee mate I will be super careful next time. My friend loves Edward too!
Yummm..Chili cheese fries! I had gooey fries at Wing's yesterday and they were deliciously fatty. You need to visit my blog. There's a picture of your candles hard at work!
I just found your blog it is too cute! I love the twilight series too getting ready to start the third book!
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