One of the things I spent time doing this summer was perfecting the art of candle making. I have to admit...when I started this venture of mine, I had no idea that it would actually be an "art". I was thinking I could throw a wick in a glass mason jar...melt up some wax..add some scent and let it cool! can do it that way if you don't mind the candles hollowing out in the middle with a max burn time of...say like 10 min! Or if you don't mind having to literally stick your nose in the flame to smell the scent (which i do not recommend doing!) OUCH
So anyway....after months of trial and error, I finally got my candles just the way I love my candles to be! Beautiful and so strong that the scent lingers throughout my whole house! I am so proud of them, and I must say that I am quiet addicted to creating new scents!
I now have several Fall scents in my candle store just waiting to cozy up your home! I make my candles very decorative and they make a perfect gift! I just added SOY candles to my store!

I will have to definitely stop by and look at them. Just one more reason why Etsy is my new addiction! LOL
We are hosting a "cookie sale" to help support a family that has four small children (all under age six) and two parents who were critically injured in a small plane accident. (The mom, Steph, is a blogger and pretty much the ultimate domestic goddess.)More on the Nielsen family at
If you would like to help, feel free to visit
You know I already LOVE (like L-O-V-E..LOVE) your candles! I can't wait for my newest shipment! :) I highly recommend Crazy Daisy Candles!!
Love you, Sweets!
Good Morning Melissa,
I can't wait to purchase a candle! I will do it just as soon as I get back, I am running out of the door on a quick errand. :o)
Also, I tagged you. If you could come over to my blog, you will see the rules.
Have a very nice day!!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
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